Read expert articles by Dan Merriam sharing his insights on entrepreneurship, real estate investing, investment migration, and living and investing internationally.

Top Countries for Wealthy Expats to Live and Invest

My decision to leave Canada in 2020 and move to Antigua and Barbuda was the culmination of a life spent exploring and doing business across the globe. My travels took me to over 50 countries, including extended stays in the US, Asia, Europe and various Caribbean islands. This global journey wasn't just about exploring new places but about discovering and capitalizing on unique investment opportunities, shaping my skills and perspective as a Wealthy Expat.

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Why I Liquidated My Real Estate Portfolio in Downtown Hamilton

I’m excited to take you through my personal journey in the real estate world, starting from my early days of inventing in Downtown Hamilton. It's a story of taking risks, learning from the ground up, and ultimately finding success in a market and career while many people initially doubted me. I'll share the challenges I faced, the strategies that worked, and why, in 2020, I decided to prepare my $15M portfolio for liquidation. I will also share why I decided to leave Canada and move to the Caribbean real estate market.

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What You Can Learn From Traveling to 50+ Countries

Travel has taught me more than I could've ever learned from books or classrooms. From the humbling lessons that only come from stepping out of your comfort zone to the unexpected teachings from the world's most beautiful cities, travel has reshaped my perspective on life. So, what can you learn from travelling to over 50 countries around the world?

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Necker Island: How Richard Branson Negotiated the Deal of a Lifetime

At the time, Branson's Necker Island acquisition seemed completely insane, but now the British Virgin Islands is one of the most sought-after jurisdictions in the world for wealth preservation and luxury real estate investment. Yet most of the Caribbean's real estate market remains a massive world of untapped potential. As Branson was captivated by the promise of a Caribbean retreat, I feel that the whole region still possesses the opportunity to uncover its own "Necker Island" deals within this captivating region.

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Why I Left Canada to Live and Invest in the Caribbean

In 2011, I started investing in real estate in downtown Hamilton, an up-and-coming city near Toronto, Canada. When I first started, I knew nothing about construction, property management, or investing, but I quickly learned. Once my portfolio required me to be less hands-on, I started working remotely and travelling the world and focusing on growing my real estate portfolio internationally. I quickly realized that I wanted to live a life of global freedom. After exploring over 50+ countries in Europe, Asia, and Latin America, in 2020, I saw a big opportunity in the Caribbean region.

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How to Get Rich With a Normal Job by 30: Step-by-Step Guide

Becoming a millionaire at 30 is not just reserved for the privileged few. Anyone can reach millionaire status. The reality is that learning how to get rich with a normal job just requires hard work and smart planning. This is a guide on how to get rich with a normal job while you are still young enough to enjoy it…

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