What You Can Learn From Traveling to 50+ Countries

Traveling Skyline in Melbourne, Austrailia

Skyline in Melbourne, Austrailia

In 2017, I embarked on a solo journey to Southeast Asia that unknowingly became the start of a decade-spanning adventure, working and wandering through various corners of the globe. This experience has been transformative, teaching me lessons in ways I couldn't have imagined while sitting in the LA airport, questioning my solo travel plans. It also led me to leave Canada and relocate my home and real estate investing business to the Caribbean.

El Nido, Palawan Phillipines

El Nido, Palawan Phillipines

Travel has taught me more than I could've ever learned from books or classrooms. From the humbling lessons that only come from stepping out of your comfort zone to the unexpected teachings from the world's most beautiful cities, travel has reshaped my perspective on life.

So, what can you learn from travelling to over 50 countries around the world?

It's a question with many answers, each as unique as the traveller. I've distilled my experiences into insights that I believe are invaluable for anyone considering their own journey. Let's explore these lessons and see just how far the road can take us.

Benefits of Traveling to Over 50 Countries

Expanding Your Horizons

Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

Travelling extensively has radically broadened my views and challenged my preconceived notions. Every new country I visit adds a layer of complexity to my understanding of the world. In South East Asia, navigating bustling markets or serene temples taught me resilience and the beauty of chaos organized within its unspoken rules. It's not just about ticking off the best places to travel; it's about what you learn from travelling – the adaptability, the humility, the sheer multitude of ways to approach life.

I've learnt to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. This is especially true when solo travelling through the best Caribbean islands. Tackling new languages, currencies, and social customs allows me to grow in ways that staying within familiar territory could never provide. There’s something about standing on a foreign shore by myself, relying on my wits and the kindness of strangers, that’s both exciting and deeply satisfying.

Learning About Different Cultures

Business Meeting in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

Business Meeting in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

Learning about different cultures is possibly the most enriching aspect of traversing over 50 countries. In every corner of Aisa, Europe, Central America, or any other region, culture seeps through the streets in the form of architecture, art, and, most profoundly, through the people. Investigating the best places to travel in Europe and the best places to travel in Central America brought me face-to-face with the colourful tapestry of the human experience.

These cultural exchanges aren't just about recognizing differences and celebrating them. From the intricate rituals in Asian ceremonies to the laid-back lifestyle in the smaller Caribbean islands, each destination showcases its unique essence. Savouring a homemade meal with a local family or learning a traditional dance offers authentic insights into what makes each culture tick – insights you could never glean from a textbook or a video.

By engaging with diverse cultures, I uncover how societies have been shaped by history, geography, and even climate. It’s living anthropology. And in this, I believe, lies the ultimate gift of travel – the ability to learn not just about others but also about oneself, bridging gaps in understanding and fostering a sense of shared humanity.

Developing Skills

Communication Skills

One of the most invaluable assets I've acquired on my journeys is a heightened ability to communicate across a spectrum of situations. Whether I'm meandering through bustling markets in Southeast Asia or asking for directions to the best-hidden gems in Europe, these dynamic settings are where language and non-verbal cues come into play.

In the heart of Vietnam, I've haggled with local vendors, using gestures and a handful of Vietnamese phrases I picked up to get a fair price. In Central America, I danced and laughed with locals, where our shared joy did most of the talking. Such experiences have honed my skills in understanding and conveying messages beyond the confines of my native tongue. The art of listening has been crucial, too, allowing me to read between the lines and respond with empathy and understanding.

Problem-Solving Skills

Perfect Rice Fields in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

Perfect Rice Fields in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

Travelling is akin to a live-action puzzle, presenting challenges that demand quick, on-the-spot thinking. For instance, my solo adventures to the Caribbean Islands have thrown numerous small hurdles my way — from navigating public transport to tweaking my itinerary when a sudden tropical shower disrupts my beach day plans.

Each obstacle is a lesson in resourcefulness, teaching me to devise solutions with the tools at hand.

Once I faced a delayed flight, a common mishap, and instead of allowing frustration to take hold, I took the opportunity to explore the airport and strike up conversations with fellow travellers. Flexibility became my ally, making unexpected changes less daunting.

By facing and overcoming the complexities of travel, I've gained confidence in my problem-solving abilities. Now I approach hurdles with a calm, composed mindset, knowing that there's always a way forward, a workaround, or an alternative waiting to be discovered.

Personal Growth

When we talk about what you can learn from traveling, personal growth often takes the spotlight. As I've hopped from the best places to travel in Europe to the vibrant heartlands of Southeast Asia, I've picked up more than just snapshots for my photo album.

Pushing Your Comfort Zones

Traveling forces us to stretch beyond our usual boundaries. I recall the humid bustle of markets in Southeast Asia, where ordering a meal pushed me into unfamiliar territory. It was in these moments that I discovered the value of embracing discomfort. Venturing into the unknown, from squat toilets to unique social etiquettes, encourages a resilience I could never have developed in my backyard.

As fellow travelers might confirm, some of the best Caribbean islands for solo travel invite us to shed our daily routines and plunge into new adventures, leaving behind the familiar warmth of friends, pets, and even our favourite foods. Whether it's learning to scuba dive in crystal clear waters or navigating the foreign public transit systems of Central America, each step away from comfort is a step towards broadening horizons.

Building Confidence

There's a profound empowerment in discovering that I can fend for myself, whether I'm winding through the alleys of the best places to travel in Europe or finding companionship among fellow backpackers in a Central American hostel. On countless occasions, I've had to rely on my wits and intuition—like the time I had to renegotiate a stay after a booking mishap or when I found my path in a new city using just a paper map and a few phrases in the local language.

These experiences go beyond the mere act of traveling; they foster self-assurance. I've learned to trust in my capabilities, from problem-solving to striking up conversations with strangers.

Each journey, whether biking through the verdant landscapes of Europe or navigating the bustling night markets of Asia, solidifies a sense of confidence that permeates all areas of my life.

So, as I continue to explore this remarkable world—from the hidden corners of Central America to the timeless allure of Europe's historic cities—I'm not merely collecting experiences. I am cultivating a more resilient, self-reliant version of myself, one unforgettable trip at a time.

Increased Empathy and Tolerance

Understanding Different Perspectives

Encountering various situations during my travels has deepened my understanding of the numerous perspectives shaping our world. Travelling South East Asia, particularly, exposed me to the daily realities and challenges locals face, which differ vastly from mine. This experience taught me that viewing the world through someone else's eyes fosters greater empathy and a nuanced appreciation for the struggles and triumphs of others.

One poignant moment stands out for me - witnessing a mother in Laos fighting against socioeconomic barriers to educate her child. It was a stark revelation of the disparities in access to education. The conversations and interactions with locals aren't just passing exchanges; they're instrumental in building my understanding of what life is truly like for them.

Respecting Cultural Differences

As I roamed the best places to travel in Europe, I learned to embrace and respect a mosaic of cultural practices and norms initially foreign to me. Respect was key in all interactions, whether observing local customs or partaking in traditional festivities. Navigating cultural nuances called for sensitivity and an open mind, integral to cultivating tolerance.

Best places to travel in Central America taught me the importance of not imposing my beliefs on others. Every interaction was an opportunity to learn, and every destination held lessons on coexisting harmoniously amid diversity. It was not about the best Caribbean islands for solo travel but about grasping the profound respect each culture deserves, irrespective of how it compares to mine.

Delving into local communities thrust me into a world where my preconceived ideas were often challenged. Absorbing the richness of these cultures, learning from them, and returning home without superimposing my own lens on their existence has been transformative for me. By engaging respectfully and immersing myself in the everyday life of the places I visit, I'm continuously learning to appreciate the beauty that lies in our diversity.

Learning about Yourself


Travelling is more than just an escape; it's a mirror reflecting parts of ourselves we're often too busy to see. In the bustling streets of South East Asia, I'm caught in a monsoon of sensory experiences. Each spicy market aroma, each chorus of city sounds, gifts me a moment of clarity where I pause and take stock of who I am. Travelling compels me to peel back the layers of my identity and question my values and beliefs.

On solo treks through the Best Caribbean Islands for Solo Travel, I've found time for self-reflection in the serene landscapes. Away from my regular constraints, I confront my solitary self – no familiar faces, no habitual routines, just me and the rhythm of the waves. It's here that I learn to appreciate my solitude, realizing how much my own company has to offer.

Gaining Independence

Independence isn't just about being alone; it's about thriving in that solitude. As I navigate through the back alleys and grandiose landmarks of the Best Places to Travel in Europe, each decision, from choosing a direction to solving unexpected challenges, is mine alone. I've realized that there's incredible autonomy in dining alone in Paris, to enjoy a gelato on an Italian piazza without needing anyone by my side.

Traversing the landscapes of Central America, where I've exchanged smiles with local artisans and haggled in markets, has steeled my sense of self-reliance. I've learned to embrace change and face adversity head-on. The confidence that blooms from tackling new territories is irreplaceable, and I carry that with me long after my journeys end. My travels have forged a version of me that's ready to embark on life's next voyage, whatever and wherever that may be.

Being Grateful for What I Already Have

My journey through picturesque landscapes and intimate moments with nature has been transformative. In Bali, waiting for the grand reveal of that iconic peak of Mount Batur teaches patience and the art of savouring fleeting moments. But it's not just the mountain vistas. During my travels, I've embraced the simple act of gratitude—a practice unexpectedly deepened while exploring with my niece, Ana.

South East Asia taught us about the vast wealth and opportunity disparities. Witnessing the tireless efforts of a mother in Laos to fund her child's education put my own privileges into stark relief. There, the value of education and hard work is etched deeper into our hearts. As we observed the toil of farmers cultivating rice fields and crops that would end up on tables half a world away, the tangibility of gratitude became ever more real.

Exploring the best places to travel in Central America, from bustling markets to serene lakeshores, underscored the beauty of human connection and the wealth found in simplicity. These interactions didn't just pass by but were rooted in a sense of thankfulness within me. Being grateful wasn't contingent on where I was—it permeated every aspect of my travels, whether I was discovering the best Caribbean islands for solo travel or navigating the busy streets of Europe.

Returning home, the lens of gratitude helped me reassess my material possessions. Those boxes of unused stuff? They were no longer necessary for happiness. I've recognized that the most valuable assets in my life—the unwavering support of family and friends—are what truly count. It's astonishing how travel strips back the superfluous, leaving a stark appreciation for what matters.

And while the best places to travel in Europe may dazzle with history and culture, the journeys I've embarked on across continents bring home the point: you don't need money to be happy. Contentment comes from within, and I've learned to carry it with me, in the comforting embrace of loved ones or in the solace of solo travel, as surely as a backpack on my shoulders.

My Personal Experiences

Travelling South East Asia

Traveling in Bangkok, Thailand

South East Asia offers many unique experiences, unveiling lessons at every turn. Navigating the bustling streets of Bangkok and Manila taught me about the tenacity of local vendors and the spectrum of Thai culture. In rural areas throughout Thailand and Indonesia, peace transcends amidst verdant rice paddies, where patience is not just virtuous but a way of life. I've cherished moments at temples in Chang Mai and understood that silence can resonate louder than words. Truly, travelling South East Asia is a masterclass in cultural education, humility, and resilience.

Best Places to Travel in Central America

San Jose, Costa Rica

Central America holds some of the best places to travel for those seeking adventure and cultural discovery. Mexico City revealed the importance of preserving history, with its cobbled streets and colonial architecture providing a tangible connection to the past. While fishing in Costa Rica, I grasped that courage means more than facing fears; it's about embracing the unknown with open arms. Each country in Central America tells its own story, and by listening, I've collected invaluable life lessons.

Best Places to Travel in Europe

Traveling and Living in Porto, Portugal

Traveling and Living in Porto, Portugal

Europe is a wellspring of knowledge, with history etched into cobblestones. In Italy, I walked in the shadows of emperors and learned the weight of history's influence. The countryside of France, with its rolling vineyards, offered a taste of simplicity and the art of savouring the moment. Europe's diversity, from the bohemian streets of Berlin to the azure coasts of Spain, showed me the richness that comes when cultures converge, a testament to the continent's role as a catalyst for personal growth.

Best Caribbean Islands for Solo Travel

Traveling in Martinique, France, French Caribbean

Traveling in Martinique, France, French Caribbean

Solo travel in the Caribbean islands is so underrated, and although currently expensive, I believe that over time, it will become more accommodating to younger travelers. With its friendly locals and rhythmic calypso beats, Barbados ingrained in me the joy of solitude amidst togetherness. The lush rainforests of St. Lucia, challenging and serene, embodied the dual nature of solo adventures—invigorating yet humbling. These islands offered more than sun, sea, and sand; they offered quiet introspection, the kind that underlines the lessons one can learn from traversing the globe alone.

Since I decided to move to Antigua and Barbuda in 2020, I’ve learned so much about the smaller, less developed islands in the Caribbean. I’ve spent years researching, studying their history, and traveling to most of these countries. Each island has its own flavour and will carve out its own niche in the travel and expat market.

My Goal of Traveling to Over 100 Countries

My passion for exploration is driven by a powerful desire to understand the world beyond my immediate environment. There's so much to learn from travelling, with each country offering a unique lesson in its own right. From the bustling markets of South East Asia to the historical depths of Europe, each experience enriches my soul. As I traverse different continents, my quest is not only to indulge in the beauty of these places but also to grasp the essence of diverse human experiences.

The lessons are myriad: the best places to travel in Europe have taught me about the resilience woven into the fabric of history, while the warmth of communities in the best places to travel in Central America has shown me the strength in kindness. The hunt for the best Caribbean islands for solo travel led me to stunning landscapes where solitude turned into self-discovery, teaching me independence in a way I never thought possible.

I'm often asked, "What can you learn from travelling?" To that, I say, travel is the great humbler and the grand educator. You learn to negotiate differences and embrace similarities. It’s the practical education one can’t gain through books or lectures. It’s about being on the ground, connecting with locals, and absorbing every facet of their way of life.

Traveling back to Canada during the COVID - June 2021

Traveling back to Canada during the COVID - June 2021

My objective stretches beyond the mere count of countries; it's an ongoing journey towards cultural literacy and self-growth. The more I travel, the more I realise how interconnected we all are, and yet, how distinct our paths can be. Witnessing firsthand the myriad ways to lead a fulfilling life has been the ultimate education, one that overshadows the most illustrious academic accolades.

By sharing these stories of exploration and discovery, I hope to ignite a spark of wanderlust in others, encouraging them to embark on their own journeys—whether it be a short trip to a neighbouring country or an ambitious expedition to unknown corners of the globe.


Travel's been an incredible teacher for me, imparting wisdom that's reshaped my worldview. It's taught me to embrace the unknown with open arms and appreciate the myriad ways we all live our lives. Through each journey, I've become a student of the world, absorbing invaluable lessons in humanity, kindness, and the sheer beauty of existence. As I continue my quest to visit over 100 countries, I'm driven by wanderlust and an insatiable curiosity to learn and grow. I hope my experiences ignite a spark in you to explore, to seek out new horizons, and to discover the transformative power of travel for yourself.


International Real Estate Investor and Entrepreneur. Founder @Offshore Freedom | Host of the @CaribbeanRealEstatePodcast

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Writer in Tax Reduction, International Tax Planning, Travel, Citizenship by Investment, Second Residence, Real Estate Investing, What You Can Learn From Traveling, South East Asia, Europe, Caribbean, Technology, Asset Management, Lifestyle Planning, Company Formation, Offshore Banking, Asset Protection, Technology, Entrepreneurship


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