Read expert articles by Dan Merriam sharing his insights on entrepreneurship, real estate investing, investment migration, and living and investing internationally.

Necker Island: How Richard Branson Negotiated the Deal of a Lifetime

At the time, Branson's Necker Island acquisition seemed completely insane, but now the British Virgin Islands is one of the most sought-after jurisdictions in the world for wealth preservation and luxury real estate investment. Yet most of the Caribbean's real estate market remains a massive world of untapped potential. As Branson was captivated by the promise of a Caribbean retreat, I feel that the whole region still possesses the opportunity to uncover its own "Necker Island" deals within this captivating region.

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Why I Left Canada to Live and Invest in the Caribbean

In 2011, I started investing in real estate in downtown Hamilton, an up-and-coming city near Toronto, Canada. When I first started, I knew nothing about construction, property management, or investing, but I quickly learned. Once my portfolio required me to be less hands-on, I started working remotely and travelling the world and focusing on growing my real estate portfolio internationally. I quickly realized that I wanted to live a life of global freedom. After exploring over 50+ countries in Europe, Asia, and Latin America, in 2020, I saw a big opportunity in the Caribbean region.

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How to Get Rich With a Normal Job by 30: Step-by-Step Guide

Becoming a millionaire at 30 is not just reserved for the privileged few. Anyone can reach millionaire status. The reality is that learning how to get rich with a normal job just requires hard work and smart planning. This is a guide on how to get rich with a normal job while you are still young enough to enjoy it…

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