Caribbean Real Estate Investing: What My First Transaction Taught Me

Sunset View from my First Caribbean Property

The appeal of Caribbean real estate investing, with its tropical weather, perfect sandy beaches and vibrant culture, is undeniable. Drawing from my experiences in Canada, where I honed my skills in real estate asset management and investment, I embarked on a new journey in this tropical paradise. This article, "Caribbean Real Estate Investing: What My First Transaction Taught Me," is a deep dive into the lessons, challenges, and triumphs of my initial foray into this unique market.

My Canadian real estate investing background has provided a foundation in the complexities of the assessment management and real estate investing business, yet the Caribbean presented new opportunities and challenges. Here, I learned to navigate diverse cultural landscapes, adapt to different market dynamics, and recognize the untapped potential of properties in this region. My first transaction was a financial endeavour and a profound learning experience that shaped my approach to future investments.

This article takes you through my journey – from the initial decision to invest in the Caribbean, influenced by the potential for high returns and the lure of a lifestyle in a tropical paradise, to the intricate process of selecting the right country, understanding local laws, and mastering the art of patience in a market that moves at its own pace. Each step in this venture brought new insights, from the importance of building a strong local network to the nuances of navigating inefficient markets. Join me as I share the invaluable lessons from my Caribbean real estate investment voyage, offering advice and insights to seasoned and aspiring investors looking to explore this captivating market.

My Experience as a Real Estate Investor in Canada

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Reflecting on my real estate investment journey building a $15M portfolio in Canada, I've come to appreciate the critical role of staying disciplined and constantly refining my investment strategy. Starting in 2011 with my first purchase in Hamilton, Ontario, I learned the value of patience and meticulous planning in each investment. This approach shaped my success in Canada and prepared me for the exciting venture into the Caribbean market.

Hunting for undervalued assets, adding value through renovations, and attracting excellent tenants has been a cornerstone of my strategy. Although timing the market is difficult, I have successfully disposed of 90% of my portfolio during the peak years of 2021 and early 2022. Each project taught me the importance of patience, adaptability and resilience. Overcoming challenges and maximizing the potential of each property significantly contributed to my portfolio's growth.

The other key part of my strategy was building a supportive network of contractors, bankers, mortgage brokers and real estate agents. This has been invaluable as I grew my portfolio and especially disposed of assets. The insights and support from colleagues and mentors have been instrumental in navigating the complex landscape of real estate investment. This journey, marked by continuous learning and evolution, inspires me to explore new opportunities and share my experiences with aspiring international investors.

Why I Left Canada and Moved to the Caribbean

My decision to leave Canada for the Caribbean was more than a warm place to escape the Canadian winter; it was a leap into a new chapter of life. This move marked a significant shift from the familiar comforts and routines of Canada to a new adventure in the Caribbean. The transition was not just about geographical change, but also about embracing a new lifestyle that promised both personal fulfillment and professional growth.

I knew that living and investing in the Caribbean offered a stark contrast to life in Canada, especially regarding the climate and cultural dynamics. The warm, tropical weather and the relaxed, community-centric way of life were a refreshing change. This new environment provided a daily dose of sunshine and a slower pace of life, allowing for a deeper appreciation of the simple joys and natural beauty around me.

The move also represented a strategic investment decision. The Caribbean real estate market presented unique opportunities, with its welcoming attitude towards foreign investors and potential for property appreciation. Diving into this market meant not only enjoying the personal benefits of living in paradise but also engaging in savvy investment choices that promised long-term rewards.

While the transition had its challenges, it was an opportunity for growth and learning. Adapting to a new culture, understanding the nuances of the local real estate market, and building a network in a foreign land were all part of this exciting journey. Each step reinforced my belief in the potential of this beautiful region, both as a home and an investment hub.

Why I decided to invest in Caribbean real estate?

Martinique, France

Potential for High Returns

There’s no denying the attractive returns Caribbean real estate investing offers. Historical data reveals that properties in this region appreciate consistently, particularly those in prime locations. My interest piqued when I learned that on average, the value of Caribbean property grows by nearly 3.5% per year. This growth is appealing, especially with the prospect of generating rental income from these investments. I found the best Caribbean islands to invest in real estate not just scenic, but financially promising as well.

Remote Working

The COVID-19 pandemic has revolutionized our work, leading to a surge in remote working. I've felt the allure of operating from a tropical oasis with a stable internet connection. Many islands cater to this new wave of remote workers, ensuring modern amenities and connectivity. This shift has also stimulated the real estate market, creating opportunities for property investors such as myself to capitalise on the growing demand for comfortable and accessible homes in paradise.

Growing Tourism Industry

Investing in an area with a vibrant tourism industry is key for ensuring high occupancy rates in rental properties. The Caribbean's tourism sector is bouncing back, with islands like Saint Lucia and Barbados leading the pack. Predictions suggest a continued boom in travel to these exotic locales, which substantially raises the potential for short-term rental returns. By choosing real estate in hot tourist spots, I'm optimizing my investment for maximum profitability.

Tax Advantages

One of the most compelling reasons for my choice to invest in Caribbean real estate lies in the tax incentives. Several islands offer favourable tax policies, potentially lowering the costs associated with property ownership. This includes reduced capital gains tax and, in some cases, exemptions from inheritance tax. Enjoying my investment now and knowing it's also secured for my heirs is incredibly reassuring.


Any savvy investor knows the importance of diversification. By adding Caribbean real estate to my portfolio, I'm investing in a tangible asset and reducing risk by spreading it across different markets and asset classes. Choosing a property in the Caribbean allows me to protect my investments against volatility in traditional stock markets and benefit from real estate's stability.

Inefficient Markets Equals Opportunity

The Caribbean's real estate market is unique due to its inefficiencies — and exactly these inefficiencies spell opportunity for investors like me. With the right local expertise, I can identify undervalued assets many may overlook. This potential for securing property below market value provides an excellent opportunity for significant gains as the market corrects over time.

Choosing the Right Country to Live and Invest

Map of the Caribbean Region

When considering Caribbean real estate investing, selecting the right country that aligns with lifestyle choices and investment goals is crucial. Several factors influence this decision—ownership laws, currency stability, political climate, appeal to investors, direct flights, and the locale's overall reputation and crime rate.

Ownership Laws for Foreign Buyers

Understanding the legal landscape is essential when advising on the best Caribbean island to invest in real estate. Foreign buyers can usually acquire property in most islands, but it's not without its hurdles. Some countries implement restrictions, and measures like the Alien Landholding License are commonplace, often amounting to 5-10% of the property value. Government approval is a prerequisite in nations like The Bahamas, ensuring a commitment to the local economy.

Currency and Capital Controls

Currency is a significant factor in decision-making. Most islands favor the US dollar, offering stability and ease of transaction. In some locations, local currencies are pegged to the US dollar, such as the Eastern Caribbean dollar (XCD), steadfast at XCD 2.70 to USD 1.00 since 1976. Minimizing exchange rate risks is achievable by partnering with high-volume foreign exchange providers, ensuring that my readers get the most out of their investment.

Political Stability

Surprisingly, the eastern Caribbean is one of the most politically stable regions in the world. Most countries, either current or former British, French or Dutch colonies, still have managed to retain the democratic institutions instilled over 100 years ago. Political stability is pivotal for safeguarding investments and I stress the importance of a stable government, which impacts property rights enforcement and the ease of conducting business. A politically stable country secures your investment and enhances your quality of life.

Attractiveness to Foreign Investors

In addition to favourable ownership laws and political stability, countries that offer additional incentives, such as no wealth or inheritance taxes, draw foreign investors. Eco-friendly developments and the potential to participate in citizenship by investment programs (CBI) bolster the attractiveness of Caribbean countries for property investment.

Flight Accessibility

Direct flight access is more than just a convenience; it's a business imperative. Countries with well-connected airports facilitate travel for homeowners and serve as a significant draw for rental markets, especially where tourism is substantial. This accessibility encourages frequent visits, increasing the appeal of owning property on such an island.

Tourism drives direct flight access, so islands that are popular with tourists generally have the lowest prices and best direct flight access. Check to ensure that islands have all-year-round flight access since there are many islands that have only seasonal access in the winter months.

Overall Reputation and Crime Rate

Lastly, the overall reputation and crime rate are determinants that cannot be overlooked. Islands with low crime rates and positive global standing reassure investors. Moreover, serene environments, pristine beaches, and welcoming communities contribute to a high quality of life, making certain Caribbean destinations more desirable for living and investing.

In carefully evaluating these factors, I aim to provide comprehensive insights into Caribbean real estate investing - insights that reflect significant financial potential and a commitment to a lifestyle in paradise.

Things I Considered Before Investing in the Caribbean

Marigot Bay, St. Lucia

Research the Local Markets

When I first considered Caribbean real estate investing, I knew it was crucial to research the local markets thoroughly. Given the region's diversity, the best Caribbean island to invest in real estate for someone else might not be the best for me. I delved into comprehensive market analysis, examining tourist inflows, off-peak seasons, and the types of properties that drive the best rental yields. I compared the economic reliance on tourism and how fluctuations could impact my investment.

Understand the Legal Requirements

Navigating the legal landscape is paramount in Caribbean real estate investing. I made it a point to grasp the legal requirements in different jurisdictions, from ownership laws to the purchase process. Partnering with experienced local attorneys allowed me to confidently address issues like land ownership licenses and real estate insurance. My legal team ensured I met all the criteria, including proof of income and a clean criminal record, which are imperative for a smooth transaction.

Assess the Infrastructure and Amenities

Before I committed to a property, I assessed the infrastructure and amenities. I needed to ensure the island I chose offered the level of development that would support a rental property or a secondary home. This included healthcare services, transportation networks, communication systems, and entertainment options—all of which contribute to the attractiveness of an investment property.

Analyze the Growth Potential

I was not only seeking a serene getaway but also a wise financial venture, so I analyzed the growth potential of each location. This involved studying past financial records, property price trends, and future development plans. The potential for capital appreciation and the likelihood of rental income generation shortly after purchase were key factors in my decision-making process. My aim was to pinpoint a property with both immediate rental promise and long-term growth possibilities.

Why I Choose Antigua and Barbuda

Shirley Point, Antigua and Barbuda

Growth Potential

My decision to invest in Antigua and Barbuda was reinforced by the undeniable growth potential of its real estate market. With beachfront properties dotted around picturesque bays like Dickenson Bay and English Harbour, it's clear why this is among the best Caribbean islands to invest in real estate. The region's expanding financial services and ties with international banking offer robust investment platforms, suggesting a promising future for property value appreciation.

Tax Efficient for Investors

Tax efficiency is a huge advantage for an entrepreneur or investor. Antigua and Barbuda is one of the more attractive jurisdictions in the region due to its tax neutrality and low-minimum stay requirement flat-tax program. As an investor, I pay no tax on capital gains, dividends, or interest earned, making it highly tax-efficient. This was a significant lure, allowing me to keep more profit generated from direct real estate or dividends from luxury resort shares.

Excellent Flight Access

Accessibility is a non-negotiable factor for any real estate investment. Antigua and Barbuda stood out with their excellent flight access. The island's international airport offers numerous direct flights from Canada, the US, and the UK, along with regional flights, facilitating easy travel for investors and tourists alike. This logistical plus increases the region's appeal to investors and bolsters the tourism industry, which the real estate market is closely tied to.

Political Stability

Political stability was atop the list when considering where to place my investments. Antigua and Barbuda offers just that, providing a secure environment for investments to flourish. Political tranquillity ensures the continuity of beneficial policies and maintains the country's attractiveness to foreign investors like myself, which directly impacts the real estate sector's stability.

Citizenship by Investment Program

One of the most compelling attractions for foreign investment in Antigua and Barbuda is their Citizenship by Investment Program. Although they are one of five countries in the Caribbean that offer this, options range from real estate investments to donations, making it versatile for various financial strategies. The process is transparent and straightforward, with fixed due diligence and passport fees. Investment in preapproved real estate must be maintained for a minimum of five years, assuring long-term commitment and potential for capital gains.

To learn more about Citizenship by Investment in the Caribbean, here is a link to my real estate and investment migration firm, Offshore Freedom.

Reputation for Privacy and Security

Lastly, my reputation for privacy and security was pivotal in my decision. Known for advanced wealth management solutions, Antigua and Barbuda offer a safe haven for assets. Coupled with strict confidentiality in their banking sector, it provides a secure and private environment for high-net-worth individuals seeking Caribbean real estate investing opportunities.

Hunting for My First Caribbean Real Estate Investment

Jolly Harbour Marina and Residence, Antigua and Barbuda

Choosing the Right Location

My journey toward Caribbean real estate investing began with pinpointing the best Caribbean island to invest in real estate. I knew location was critical, so I considered growth potential, accessibility, and lifestyle preferences. Establishing which islands offered the most attractive appreciation rates was crucial, and I delved into market reports, looking for areas emerging as investment hotspots. It wasn't just about finding a property; it was about finding a location that promised prosperity and fit my vision.

Working with Real Estate Agents

Realizing the complexities of Caribbean property markets, I engaged with real estate agents specialized in Caribbean locales. Their expertise was invaluable, from showcasing exclusive listings to navigating local real estate laws. I connected with agents renowned for their market knowledge and diligence. These professionals became my eyes and ears on the ground, offering access to listed and off-market properties that matched my investment criteria.

Financial Modelling

To ensure my investment would be as lucrative as I hoped, I dove into financial modelling. This involved crafting detailed cash flow projections, calculating potential ROI, and analyzing the impact of different financing options. I weighed up differing interest rates, amortization periods, and down payment requirements, all while keeping a close eye on currency exchange trends that could dramatically affect my investment's viability.

Finding Reliable Data

Accurate and reliable data is critical when trying to make a wise decision-making in any real estate investment, especially in a developing region like the Caribbean. I sought out historical and current financial data, property valuation records, and tourism statistics to guide my choices. This wasn’t easy since the Caribbean is known for having very scarce data sources, but I did my best with online research, engaging with local property experts, and attending regional real estate conferences. Reliable, up-to-date information was very difficult to find, but I knew it to be the key to my investment success. It is what would allowing me to forecast future market trends and property values with a higher degree of confidence.

What I Learned from Getting my First Deal Done

Transactions in the Caribbean Take Time

I learned that transactions can move very slowly when I first got into Caribbean real estate investing. Unlike some regions where property deals are finalized swiftly, Caribbean transactions often involve a more relaxed rhythm that reflects the laid-back island lifestyle. Real estate agents, lawyers, government departments, banks, and more create a lot of friction in the transaction process. It's imperative to adjust expectations accordingly regarding wait times for seller responses, due diligence periods, and the closing process itself.

Having a Top-Notch Team Is Critical

Throughout my journey, I have observed that having a top-tier team is non-negotiable to succeed in Caribbean real estate investing. This includes astute and well-informed real estate agents who are well-versed in the best Caribbean islands to invest in real estate, a sharp local lawyer for legal counsel, and financial advisors to ensure all monetary aspects are above board and beneficial. Each plays an intrinsic role in ensuring the transaction is smooth and secure.

Learning to Swim with the Sharks

The adage "swim with the sharks or be eaten" holds a great deal of truth in Caribbean real estate. Keen negotiation skills and the ability to adapt to market movements are helpful, but there are many other challenges and complexities when investing in Caribbean real estate. One must develop a firm grounding in property valuation, understand how economic and political nuances influence the market, and know when to trust the broker or party you are dealing with. I know from first-hand experience that it is very easy to lose money trusting the wrong party quickly. What works on one island may be entirely different on another, necessitating a fluid and adaptable approach.

Caribbean Real Estate Moves at a Different Pace

It can't be overstated that the speed of Caribbean real estate moves is distinct from other markets, especially more developed markets like Canada or the US. Patience is a virtue here, with many investment opportunities requiring a long-term outlook. Identifying undervalued assets often means waiting for the right opportunity to present itself, and this tranquillity in movement should be expected and embraced as part of the process. It contrasts markedly with the immediacy often encountered elsewhere but is integral to Caribbean investment success.

Other Attractive Jurisdictions for real estate investment

Paradise Islands, Nassau, The Bahamas


When mulling over Caribbean real estate investing, Barbados often springs to mind. As a premium tourist destination, real estate here generally carries a heftier price tag, especially prime property on the West Coast. This is due to the island's easy international access, robust tax incentives, and stable economy. In my experience, investment opportunities in Barbados cater to a spectrum of investors seeking luxury beachfront retreats or rental properties capitalizing on the island's vibrant tourism.

St. Lucia

St. Lucia is a top destination in the Caribbean to invest in real estate. The island's Citizenship by Investment program bolsters its attractiveness to foreign investors, offering a straightforward route to a secondary passport. This draws a considerable amount of investment into the local economy, with benefits such as no capital gains tax and a high standard of living. Properties in St. Lucia range from exquisite holiday homes to lucrative apartment complexes, making it a versatile choice for investors.


The relatively unknown island of Grenada is another gem within the Caribbean investment landscape. Known as the 'Spice Isle', it’s not just the aroma of nutmeg in the air that's drawing attention.

Grenada's stunning beaches, beautiful lush nature, and welcoming people make it a fantastic place to vacation. Also, it’s citizenship by investment program is a significant pull factor, coupled with its growing economy and increased direct flights. Look into properties with both residential and hospitality potential, as Grenada's real estate market shows promising growth.

St. Kitts and Nevis

St. Kitts and Nevis is the smallest independent country in the Western Hemisphere, but it is quickly gaining a reputation as a safe and secure place to invest and do business. Its a vibrant culture, and strong government investment incentives have brought significant foreign investment over the past decade. Also, their citizenship by investment program is amongst the oldest and reputedly secure, paving the way for a favourable fiscal climate. Here, investors can explore various options, from beachside villas to luxury suites, with a potential high rental yield.

The Bahamas

The Bahamas' real estate market is the epitome of luxury, as diverse as its archipelago. With no income, inheritance, or capital gains tax, it's a fiscal paradise for investors. Historically, the Bahamian real estate market boasts a high ROI, particularly in commercial and high-end residential properties. The archipelago's proximity to the US is a bonus, enhancing its appeal for those looking to invest in vacation rental properties or second homes. Although entry prices in The Bahamas are already very high, this market could keep appreciating over the next decade.

Cayman Islands

A known tax haven, the Cayman Islands combine an enviable lifestyle with safe and secure investment opportunities. With some of the highest prices in the world for real estate, some call Cayman “the Monaco of the Caribbean”. The lack of direct taxation here is a major draw, offering a savvy route for wealth preservation.

Beachfront condos especially have seen significant growth in demand, often yielding a robust return, even amidst global fluctuations like the pandemic. And with a sophisticated financial services sector, the Cayman Islands' property market is reliably active.

Turks and Caicos Islands

Finally, with their crystalline waters and powdery sands, the Turks and Caicos Islands round off the list. Although real estate prices in this British Overseas Territory have almost tripled in the past five years, their luxury real estate market still presents a compelling case for investors, particularly with no direct taxation. Due to the islands' beauty and exclusivity, property values here have a track record of appreciation. Furthermore, recent developments and resorts in Turks and Caicos have solidified its status as a high-end investment locale.

Types of real estate properties to invest in

When diving into Caribbean real estate investing, it's crucial to consider the types of properties available. Each offers unique benefits and caters to different investment strategies. Let's break down the options.

Luxury Villas and Private Homes

Luxury Villa in St. Barths

Investing in luxury villas and private homes is often associated with the pinnacle of Caribbean living. These properties deliver unrivalled exclusivity and boast features such as expansive living spaces, private pools, and breathtaking panoramic views. With islands like Antigua and Barbuda offering a slow-paced beach lifestyle within safe and secure environments, luxury villas have become an ideal choice for high-net-worth individuals. St. Kitts and areas like Frigate Bay or Pinney's Beach are home to some of the region's most exclusive villas, making them prime real estate that's both resilient and fruitful over time.

Beachfront Condos and Apartments

Hodges Bay Antigua, Antigua and Barbuda

For those seeking a low-maintenance lifestyle without sacrificing luxury, beachfront condos and apartments are the best Caribbean island investment. Not only do these properties offer modern amenities and security, but they also provide a gateway to a vibrant community living by the sea. Beachfront locations, particularly in countries like St. Lucia or the Bahamas, introduce investors to a world of convenience where the allure of the ocean meets the comfort of contemporary living.

Pre-Construction Developments

Miami Condo Developments, Miami, USA

Pre-construction developments are an intriguing component of Caribbean real estate investing. These projects allow investors to enter on the ground floor, often at a lower entry point. Financial modelling can be particularly valuable here, enabling investors to predict and plan for potential returns. Across various islands, including Turks and Caicos and Grenada, such investments often come with enticing tax incentives and the possibility of capital appreciation when the development is completed.

Commercial Properties

The Caribbean's burgeoning economy makes investing in commercial properties an attractive proposition. These investments, from retail spaces to office buildings, tap into the region's growth potential. They are an excellent avenue for investors to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on the business-friendly climate. Especially in the Cayman Islands and The Bahamas, commercial properties serve as a conduit to a thriving business ecosystem, enhanced by a strong expatriate and local business community.

Hotels and Serviced Apartments

Hawksbill Resort, Antigua and Barbuda

For astute investors, hotels and serviced apartments represent a viable path to leverage the ever-growing tourism industry. These properties can deliver consistent rental yields, especially in well-trodden tourist destinations like Barbados or St. Kitts and Nevis. Investors can tap into the sector's dynamic nature through careful market research and consideration of factors such as location and amenities. Establishing tourist accommodations aligns perfectly with the region's popularity amongst travellers seeking world-class hospitality and idyllic surroundings.

Tips for successful real estate investment in the Caribbean

Lacovia Development, Cayman Islands

Investing in Caribbean real estate can be lucrative, but it requires careful planning and strategic action. In my experience, certain practices have proven invaluable.

Build a Strong Network of Local Real Estate Agents

Building a strong local network is one of my top strategies for success in Caribbean real estate investing. Local agents deeply understand market conditions and can identify the best Caribbean islands to invest in real estate. These relationships can propel an investment forward through insight into off-market deals and local practices that might not be obvious from outside the region.

Visit the Destination Before Making a Purchase

I recommend visiting the Caribbean island of interest before committing to an investment. There's no substitute for experiencing the atmosphere, assessing the accessibility, and discovering each locale's lifestyle. Physically, being there provides a better perspective on the potential of a property and helps solidify decisions that align with my investment goals.

Conduct Thorough Due Diligence

To solidify an investment, due diligence is critical in Caribbean real estate investing, and it’s something I prioritize. I ensure to gather all relevant data, such as property valuation records, current financial data, and tourism statistics, which play pivotal roles in assessing an investment's viability. Hiring a local lawyer specializing in regional real estate law is invaluable for reviewing contracts and titles, ensuring a legally secure transaction.

Property Management VS. Self-Management

I look at property management services for most of my Caribbean real estate investments. Especially when considering vacation rentals, these services are essential to maintaining the property and managing tenant relations, ensuring a steady income stream and a well-maintained property that appreciates over time.

Be Aware of the Risks and Challenges

The Caribbean market has its unique risks, like any real estate market. I always keep in mind market trends, tourism dependency, and environmental elements. Acknowledging and integrating these risks into my financial modelling helps me stay prepared for any fluctuations.

Be Patient But Know When to Jump

Last but not least, I've learned that patience is a virtue in this market. Investments may not always align with my timeframe, and that's okay. But when the right opportunity does present itself, I know to act swiftly. Securing a profitable deal often means being ready to jump when the time is right.

By adhering to these practices and leveraging my expertise, I've successfully navigated the Caribbean real estate market.


The Palms Ocean Reef, Panama

Investing in Caribbean real estate can be rewarding if approached with the right mindset and strategies. My journey has taught me the value of local insights and the importance of being on the ground. With due diligence and a keen eye for timing, I've found that the potential for a solid return on investment is significant. Remember, success in this market isn't just about the purchase—it's about the commitment to understanding and adapting to its unique dynamics. Embrace the process, and the Caribbean could offer you not just a piece of paradise but a smart investment, too.


International Real Estate Investor and Entrepreneur. Founder @Offshore Freedom | Host of the @CaribbeanRealEstatePodcast

We help successful investors and entrepreneurs live and invest tax-free in the Caribbean and buy real estate internationally.

Schedule a consultation with Dan Merriam, and let him help you design the life of your dreams and achieve Offshore Freedom. Ask questions and get answers about the Caribbean, tax planning, banking, international real estate, second residencies, citizenship by investment and lifestyle design,

Writer in Tax Reduction, International Tax Planning, Travel, Citizenship by Investment, Second Residence, Real Estate Investing, Asset Management, Lifestyle Planning, Company Formation, Offshore Banking, Asset Protection, Technology, Entrepreneurship


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