Top 10 Safest Countries in WW3

Since I was young, I’ve had an obsession with maps, learning about countries and cultures, and thinking obsessively about owning multiple homes worldwide. Imagining the outbreak of World War III sends shivers down my spine, but it's a scenario many of us can't ignore. With global tensions simmering, especially in the Middle East and Asia, the question of where families and investors will find safety becomes increasingly relevant. While no place is entirely immune to the chaos of war, some countries stand out as potential havens due to their political neutrality, geographical isolation, food and energy security, and robust defence and deterrent systems.

In this article, I'll explore the safest countries in WW3 to consider if the unthinkable happens. From remote island nations to neutral European states, these locations offer the best chances of staying out of harm's way. Let's dive into the reasons behind their safety and what makes them unique in a world on the brink of conflict.

Criteria for the Safest Countries in WW3

Political Neutrality

Countries maintaining political neutrality generally avoid military alliances and conflicts. Switzerland is a prime example, with its long-standing policy of neutrality. In a global conflict, such nations are less likely to be targeted due to their non-alignment with belligerent powers.

Geographical Isolation

Geographical isolation offers significant protection from direct attacks. Island nations like Iceland and remote areas in Oceania possess natural barriers, making them harder to reach in military conflicts. Iceland's remote location in the North Atlantic and the vast ocean surrounding Oceania serve as deterrents against invasion.

Defence Capabilities

A robust defence system is crucial for a country's safety. Nations with advanced military technology and strategic defence infrastructure are better equipped to protect their territories. For example, Switzerland's well-prepared defence strategies, including fortified bunkers and compulsory military training, enhance its capability to safeguard its population.


Self-sufficiency in essential resources decreases a country's reliance on external supply chains, which might be disrupted in wartime. Countries focusing on local food production and energy independence, like New Zealand, can sustain their populations during global conflicts. New Zealand's emphasis on renewable energy sources and agricultural productivity highlights its potential as a safe haven.

Social and Economic Stability

Stable social and economic conditions influence a country's ability to remain safe during WW3. Countries with strong healthcare systems, low crime rates, and a resilient economy are better positioned to handle wartime disruptions. Scandinavian nations like Norway and Finland, known for their high quality of life and efficient governance, exemplify this stability.

Why Every Wealth Plan Should Include a Safe Haven

Peter Thiel's Home in New Zealand

Every wealth plan should include a safe haven to ensure financial stability during turbulent times. This strategy offers an added layer of security, especially when facing global uncertainties like World War III. By incorporating safe havens, individuals can protect their assets from geopolitical risks and economic instability.

Preservation of Wealth

Incorporating a safe haven helps preserve wealth. Geopolitical tensions can devalue currencies and disrupt economies. Countries exemplifying stability, like Switzerland, maintain robust financial systems that safeguard investments. Political neutrality and strong defences make them attractive for asset protection.

Diversification of Assets

Diversifying assets is crucial. Geographically isolated nations, such as Iceland, offer natural barriers against conflict spread. This isolation can shield financial systems from global crises. Investment in these regions decreases reliance on unstable markets and spreads risk across different geographies.

Economic Stability

Economic stability in countries like Norway and Finland provides a safe environment for assets. Scandinavian nations, known for strong social structures and economic policies, offer stability even in global chaos. This reliability attracts wealth planning to mitigate risks associated with economic downturns.

Access to Safe Havens

Countries like Antigua and Barbuda are emerging as safe havens. Their geographical isolation and good governance provide security and stability. These nations in the Caribbean enhance any wealth plan by offering a reliable option for asset protection. The safest island in the Caribbean to live brings a vital dimension to wealth planning.

Geopolitical Neutrality

Geopolitical neutrality is a key reason to include safe havens. Neutral nations like Switzerland avoid military alliances, reducing the likelihood of economic sanctions or conflicts affecting them. This neutrality ensures a more stable environment for wealth preservation and investment.

Integrating these aspects into a wealth plan provides a comprehensive approach to securing assets. Developing a strategy around the safest country in World War 3 or the safest island in the Caribbean to live ensures better protection against global uncertainties.

Safe havens protect investments, diversify risks, and ensure economic stability, making them indispensable in any wealth plan.

Identifying a Safe Haven

Finding a safe haven during global conflicts hinges on various factors, including strategic value, geographical location, cultural stability, residency programs, and self-sufficiency. Each of these aspects plays a crucial role in determining the safest country during World War III.

Strategic and Economic Value

Strategic and economic value greatly influence a safe haven's appeal. Countries with robust economies are better equipped to provide security and basic needs. Switzerland exemplifies this with its stable financial infrastructure. Nations like New Zealand exhibit political neutrality and stability, enhancing their viability as safe havens. Iceland's low strategic value makes it less likely a target, ensuring its residents' safety.

Geographical Location

Geographical isolation serves as a natural barrier during conflicts. Islands in the Caribbean, such as Grenada, offer remoteness that reduces risk. Scandinavian nations, with their northern location, are less vulnerable to invasion. Countries like Japan and New Zealand benefit from their distance from major conflict zones, increasing their attractiveness as safe havens.

Culture and Society

Cultural and social stability are pivotal in times of crisis. Reliable social systems, such as those in Norway, facilitate resilient communities. Australia's multiculturalism promotes harmony, reducing internal conflict. Iceland's homogeneous society fosters unity, providing a stable environment for its inhabitants. These factors collectively enhance a country's appeal as a safe haven.

Residency and Citizenship Programs

Residency and citizenship programs offer security to those seeking safe havens. New Zealand's Investor Visa and Portugal's Golden Visa provide pathways for obtaining residency. Antigua and Barbuda, the safest island in the Caribbean to live, offers citizenship through investment, appealing to individuals seeking secure environments. Countries like Malta attract foreign investment through their comprehensive programs, bolstering their defence capabilities.

Self-Sufficiency and Resources

Self-sufficiency ensures a country's ability to sustain its population. Norway's robust energy sector ensures energy security. Switzerland's advanced agriculture supports food independence. Iceland's geothermal resources enable self-reliance in energy production. New Zealand's diverse agricultural sector guarantees food supply, making it one of the safest countries during global conflicts. These attributes are essential for any nation considered a safe haven in World War III.

Technology Advancements the Impact Global Living

Technology has significantly impacted global living conditions, changing how we communicate, access resources, and work. These advancements become even more crucial in the context of identifying safe havens during potential global conflicts like World War III.

Satellite Internet

Satellite internet has revolutionized global connectivity. No matter how remote a location is, access to reliable internet remains possible due to satellite technology. This connectivity is especially vital for geographically isolated countries like Iceland or the safest islands in the Caribbean, offering communication lifelines during global conflicts. For instance, SpaceX's Starlink project aims to provide high-speed internet to even the most remote areas, ensuring that people in these safe havens stay connected with the outside world. Countries investing in resilient satellite infrastructure enhance their appeal as potential safe havens amidst escalating global tensions.

Renewable Energy

The adoption of renewable energy sources has become a critical factor in determining a nation's self-sufficiency. Nations leading in renewable energy technologies, like Norway with its extensive hydroelectric power systems, can sustain their energy needs independently. This ability to generate clean, renewable energy makes these countries safer during global energy crises. For example, New Zealand's reliance on geothermal and wind energy ensures continual power supply, even during extensive conflicts. Thus, countries investing heavily in renewable energy infrastructure are better suited as safe havens in World War III scenarios.

Desalinization and Water Systems

Investment in desalinization and advanced water systems significantly enhances a country's resilience during global conflicts. Countries like Israel have pioneered desalinization technology to convert seawater into potable water, ensuring a stable water supply during wartime. Similarly, Australia has developed large-scale desalinization plants to secure water resources. These technologies are vital for island nations in the Caribbean, which need stable water supplies to serve as safe havens effectively. Countries focusing on advanced water purification systems increase their self-sufficiency, making them more attractive as places of refuge during geopolitical unrest.

Top Safe Havens Around the World

New Zealand

New Zealand ranks high as a safe haven due to its geographical isolation. It's located over 2,000 kilometres from Australia, offering a natural defence barrier. The country enjoys political neutrality, rarely involving itself in international conflicts. New Zealand has robust agricultural and energy sectors, ensuring self-sufficiency. Its stable economy and social environment make it an ideal refuge. Residency programs are accessible, providing opportunities for those seeking long-term safety. New Zealand's renewable energy infrastructure, including hydroelectric and geothermal energy, secures its energy needs during global disruptions.


Switzerland is synonymous with neutrality and stability. Its policy of neutrality dates back to 1815, avoiding military alliances and conflicts. The Swiss defence system includes well-maintained military and civil defence networks. Its mountainous terrain offers a natural defence, enhancing security. Moreover, Switzerland's robust financial system and economic stability contribute to its appeal. The country is self-sufficient in food production and has substantial reserves. Swiss residency programs attract those looking for a safe environment. Switzerland consistently ranks as the safest country in world war scenarios, given its historical precedence of neutrality and resilience.


Canada's massive geographical foot print, low population density, and strong connection to the United States make it a compelling safe haven. The country has rich natural resources, including fresh water and fertile land, ensuring long-term self-sufficiency. Canada maintains a neutral stance in many geopolitical conflicts, reducing its risk of becoming a primary target. Canada's defence capabilities and stable political climate enhance its safety profile. For those seeking refuge, residency programs in Canada are welcoming. Its robust healthcare system and diversified economy further contribute to its safety and appeal.


Japan offers unique advantages as a safe haven due to its advanced technological infrastructure and strong economic stability. While geographically isolated, Japan's modern defence systems provide added security. The country invests significantly in renewable energy and advanced water systems, ensuring self-sufficiency. Although it has faced geopolitical tensions in the past, Japan's political environment remains stable. The country also offers various residency options for those considering relocation. Sustainable living practices and a commitment to innovation make Japan a viable choice for safety during global conflicts.


Although the US is going through political turmoil at the moment, it remains one of the most stable countries, offering considerable resources for self-sufficiency. Its strong military and defence systems ensure high national security, and the country has excellent access to food and energy resources. The nation's advanced infrastructure and technological capabilities contribute to its resilience. Residency programs are straightforward for those considering long-term refuge. Its geopolitical influence and alliances add an extra layer of security, making the USA a prominent option for those seeking a safe haven during World War III.

Lesser-Known Safe Havens


Fiji offers a combination of geographical isolation and self-sufficiency, making it one of the safest island nations. Located in the South Pacific, it's far from most conflict zones and offers a stable political climate. The country has rich agricultural resources, capable of sustaining its population if global supply chains break down. Additionally, the adoption of renewable energy initiatives contributes to its self-sufficiency. Fiji’s robust local governance ensures a high level of stability.


Among the safest islands in the Caribbean to live, Dominica stands out due to its natural defences. The island's mountainous terrain makes it difficult to invade. It's politically stable and avoids military conflicts. Dominica's focus on sustainable tourism and agriculture ensures a steady local economy. The island also benefits from a close-knit community, further enhancing social stability. Residency programs are available, offering refuge to those seeking a safer environment.


Situated in the Caribbean, Nevis provides an excellent refuge during volatile times. Its small size and low profile contribute to its safety. Nevis has a strong emphasis on sustainability, particularly in tourism and agriculture. The island's political neutrality and stable government make it less likely to be involved in global conflicts. With its focus on self-sufficiency, Nevis ensures a reliable food supply for its residents, further cementing its status as a safe haven.


Uruguay’s political neutrality and strong democratic institutions ensure its safety. It's geographically isolated from traditional conflict zones, bordered by Brazil and Argentina. Uruguay has invested heavily in renewable energy, achieving a high degree of self-sufficiency. The country’s robust agricultural sector can sustain its population during global disruptions. Additionally, Uruguay offers several residency programs, making it an attractive option for those seeking refuge.


Chile’s elongated geography and natural barriers, such as the Andes mountains and the Pacific Ocean, provide strong defences. The country is politically stable and has a robust economy, ranking it among the safest nations. It's rich in natural resources and focuses on renewable energy, ensuring self-sufficiency. Chile’s strong local governance and social stability make it an excellent choice for those looking for a safe haven during global conflicts.


Indonesia, with its extensive archipelago, provides numerous options for safe refuges. The country's vast geography offers plenty of isolated areas, reducing the risk of invasion during conflicts. Politically, Indonesia maintains a stance of non-alignment, avoiding entanglement in global power struggles. The country’s rich agricultural resources and focus on renewable energy initiatives contribute to its self-sufficiency, making it a viable safe haven.


Iceland’s geographical isolation in the North Atlantic makes it one of the safest countries in World War 3 scenarios. It’s politically neutral, avoiding military alliances. Iceland is self-sufficient in renewable energy, utilising geothermal and hydroelectric power. The country’s strong social and economic stability further enhance its safety. Residency programs offer security to those seeking refuge, making Iceland an attractive option for a safe haven.

The Role of Offshore Territories and Juristications

Georgetown, Cayman Islands

Offshore territories play an essential role in providing strategic and safe havens during global conflicts due to their geographical isolation and stable political climates.

Case Study: Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands, situated in the western Caribbean, exemplify a robust offshore territory that functions as one of the safest islands in the Caribbean to live during global conflicts, including World War III. The islands maintain a stable political climate, strong legal protections, and a booming financial sector that attract residents seeking refuge. Their geographical isolation makes them less likely targets during wartime, while the absence of military infrastructure reduces strategic value for potential aggressors.

In the context of wealth preservation, the Cayman Islands offer numerous advantages. Their advanced financial services industry, including banking, insurance, and investment funds, provides a secure environment for asset diversification. Residency programmes, such as the Global Citizen Concierge Program, enable foreigners to relocate and live in a relatively safe haven. Thus, the Cayman Islands position themselves as a strategic refuge due to political stability, economic security, and geographical benefits.

Case Study: The Cook Islands

Located in the South Pacific, the Cook Islands represent a significant example of an offshore jurisdiction that can serve as a safe haven during global conflicts. These islands have close administrative ties with New Zealand, providing additional layers of security and political stability. Geographically isolated, they are far removed from potential conflict zones, making them less vulnerable to direct military actions.

The Cook Islands also stand out for their legal protections and attractive residency options. The country's well-regulated trust laws offer confidentiality and asset protection, crucial for individuals seeking a safe haven. Additionally, the islands' self-sufficiency in agricultural production and reliance on renewable energy sources enhance their appeal. Residency programmes facilitate relocation, allowing individuals to settle in a region that promises stability and security, making the Cook Islands a viable option for those seeking refuge during times of global unrest.

The role of offshore territories like the Cayman Islands and the Cook Islands in providing safe havens cannot be overstated. Their unique combination of geographical isolation, political stability, and strong legal frameworks make them indispensable considerations for planning secure relocation options during global conflicts.

Prepare Your Plan B Before You Need It

n an unpredictable world, having a contingency plan is no longer optional; it’s essential. As global tensions rise, ensuring that you have a solid Plan B can mean the difference between safety and turmoil. A robust contingency plan should cover various aspects, from identifying safe havens to securing financial and communication systems. By developing a comprehensive strategy, you’ll be better prepared to protect yourself, your family, and your assets during periods of global instability.

Research Potential Safe Havens

When preparing for potential global conflict, researching safe havens is a critical first step. Countries with political neutrality, geographical isolation, and robust defense systems offer the highest levels of safety. Nations like Switzerland and New Zealand are excellent choices, with Switzerland’s neutrality and New Zealand’s geographical isolation making them less likely to be involved in conflicts. Norway and Finland offer strong social and economic structures, while remote Caribbean islands provide geographical separation from major powers, reducing the risk of invasion or attack.

Financial Preparedness

Financial stability during times of crisis is key to long-term survival, and incorporating safe havens into your financial strategy is crucial. Countries like Switzerland offer secure banking systems and a stable economy, making them ideal for safeguarding wealth. Asset diversification across politically neutral and isolated nations like Iceland helps reduce the risks of geopolitical upheaval affecting your finances. By diversifying assets geographically, you create a more resilient financial structure that can withstand global instability and protect your investments.

Communication and Connectivity

Maintaining reliable communication is vital when preparing for relocation to a safe haven, especially in isolated regions. Countries like Iceland and Caribbean islands have access to satellite internet services such as Starlink, ensuring constant connectivity even if traditional communication networks fail. This technology allows residents in remote areas to stay in touch with the outside world, continue working remotely, and access global information. Ensuring you have reliable communication systems in place as part of your contingency plan can make a significant difference during a crisis.

Self-Sufficiency Analysis

In times of global conflict, self-sufficiency becomes a cornerstone of survival. Countries like Norway and New Zealand excel in this area, with sustainable energy production and strong agricultural sectors. These nations are capable of sustaining their populations without relying on disrupted global supply chains. Iceland is another example, utilizing geothermal and hydroelectric power for energy independence. Choosing a country that can support itself in terms of food, water, and energy is critical for ensuring long-term stability in a safe haven.

Security Measures

Security is paramount when evaluating potential safe havens. Countries like Switzerland have highly developed defense systems, including fortified bunkers and compulsory military training, which ensure the population is well-protected. In contrast, geographically isolated regions like the Caribbean islands benefit from their lack of military strategic value, making them less likely targets during conflicts. Understanding a country’s defense capabilities and strategic positioning will help you choose a location that can provide physical safety in times of war.

Legal and Political Stability

A key consideration for any Plan B is the legal and political stability of your chosen safe haven. Countries like the Cayman Islands and the Cook Islands offer strong legal protections, political stability, and privacy laws that safeguard assets. These nations provide a secure environment for individuals seeking refuge during global instability. Their well-regulated financial systems and transparent legal frameworks make them appealing destinations for those looking to protect both their wealth and personal safety during uncertain times.

Evaluate Residency and Citizenship Options

To ensure you can legally reside in your chosen safe haven, it’s essential to explore residency and citizenship programs. Countries like New Zealand offer Investor Visa programs, allowing high-net-worth individuals to secure residency through financial investment. Similarly, Portugal and various Caribbean nations provide citizenship-by-investment options, giving individuals the ability to relocate quickly in times of crisis. Thoroughly understanding the requirements for residency and citizenship in your selected country is crucial for long-term security and legal protection.


While the prospect of World War III is daunting it's crucial to identify and prepare for potential safe havens. Countries like New Zealand Switzerland and Iceland stand out due to their political neutrality geographical isolation and self-sufficiency.

Exploring residency and citizenship options in these nations can provide a vital safety net. Incorporating safe havens into wealth planning ensures financial stability during turbulent times. Technological advancements like satellite internet and renewable energy further enhance the appeal of these countries.

By researching and preparing a comprehensive contingency plan we can better secure our safety and well-being amid global uncertainties.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can humans survive World War III?

Survival during World War III depends on various factors including geographical location, defence systems, and self-sufficiency. While the impacts would be catastrophic, some populations in remote or politically neutral regions may have a higher chance of survival.

Which country is most likely to survive World War III?

Countries such as New Zealand, Iceland, and Switzerland are considered likely to survive WWIII due to their geographical isolation, political neutrality, and strong self-sufficiency in resources.

Will I be drafted in Canada if World War III happens?

Conscription in Canada has not been practised since the end of World War II. Any reintroduction would require legislative and executive actions by the Canadian government.

What is the safest country with no war?

Iceland is currently the most peaceful country in the world, followed by nations like New Zealand, Denmark, Portugal, and Slovenia according to the Global Peace Index.

What is the safest country in a nuclear war?

Studies suggest that Argentina and Australia have the best prospects for maintaining civilisation in the decade following a nuclear war due to their geographical location and resource availability.


Caribbean Real Estate Investor & Entreprenuer
Partner at InvestCARICOM

I help families and investors navigate the Caribbean real estate markets, protect wealth, reduce taxes, and live and invest internationally

Schedule a personalized 1-on-1 consultation with Dan Merriam, and let him help you navigate the complexities of the Caribbean real estate markets. Whether you're interested in buying or selling property, offshore tax planning, or exploring second residencies and citizenship by investment, we provide expert guidance tailored to your needs. With a deep understanding of Caribbean markets, Dan will help you develop a comprehensive strategy to maximize your investment opportunities while securing your financial future.

Writer in Tax Reduction, International Tax Planning, Citizenship by Investment, Caribbean, Safe Haven, Safest Countries in WW3, Prepper, Doomsday Planning, Portfolio Diversification, Asset Management, Lifestyle Planning, Company Formation, Offshore Banking, Asset Protection, Technology, Entrepreneurship

This article is for informational purposes only; it should not be considered financial, tax planning or legal advice. Consult a financial or investment professional before making any major financial decisions.


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