Safest Countries in Asia to Live and Invest: Comprehensive Guide

For the last twenty years, I’ve had the opportunity to travel throughout Asia and learn so much about the culture through interactions with clients, investors, and colleagues. Working in the piano business in my early-mid 20s, I travelled all over China, attended the Music China Trade Show regularly, and won a trip to Japan with Kawai Japan. This opened my eyes to a whole new world.

In 2017, after my first big real estate sale and profit, I decided to travel to SEA for 5 months. I lived in Malaysia with my family for three months and experienced Thailand and the Philippines. After that, I spent time in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Macau and even embraced Bali's way of life for six months during the COVID-19 pandemic. Watching Asia grow and evolve during this time has given me a unique perspective on what it means to find safety and adventure in the vastness of Asia.

When you set out to explore Asia, knowing where you can venture safely is crucial. After two decades of navigating different Asian cultures and environments, I've learned that peace and safety aren't just ideals but realities.

Singapore, for instance, stands out not just for its safety, ranked 9th globally, but for its harmonious blend of modern living and cultural diversity. I want to share places like these—where security and a rich array of experiences coexist—with you. Whether it's a short trip or a longer stay you're considering, let me, Dan Merriam, guide you through Asia's safest and most inviting destinations that promise not just safety but unforgettable experiences.

Factors to Consider for Safety

When deciding on the safest countries in Asia to visit or live in, critical factors must be considered. Safety isn't just about the absence of risk but also the presence of supportive mechanisms that prevent danger in the first place. Let's delve into some factors that are higher on the list for every savvy traveller or expatriate.

Low Crime Rate

The frequency of crime is a telling indicator of safety, defining the level of risk I'm likely to encounter. In determining the safest countries in Asia to visit, I often look at the low crime rates as a key factor. Low crime rates are a testament to a country's ability to enforce laws and maintain order. Singapore, for example, is renowned for its low crime rate, which reflects both the strictness of its law enforcement and the societal norms that discourage criminal behaviour. Consequently, Singapore often tops the list as the safest country in Asia, bringing peace of mind to me and many others looking to travel or settle in a new country.

Political Stability

Another aspect I seriously consider is political stability. This factor is a cornerstone of safety, as stable governance often correlates with low levels of strife and violence. The absence of internal and international conflict, strong legal systems, and the protection of human rights are the pillars holding up the notion of a safe environment. Countries like Japan and Malaysia stand out for their political tranquillity, adding to their appeal as some of the safest countries in Asia to live in. Political stability fosters economic growth and social harmony—key attractions for tourists and expatriates like me.

Safety for Women

Lastly, when assessing the safest countries in Asia, women's safety is an essential consideration for me. A society that safeguards the rights and well-being of women is often indicative of broader societal safety and respect for all individuals. Countries that prioritize gender equality and have effective measures in place to protect women from violence and discrimination can significantly influence my decision to visit or relocate. It's heartening to see several Asian countries taking strides towards improving safety for women, which, in turn, bolsters their status among the safest places to live or travel.

Being mindful of these factors will aid in choosing destinations that value safety and offer a secure atmosphere for visitors and residents alike. Whether it's for a short-term holiday or a long-term move, prioritizing safety can lead to a more enjoyable and stress-free experience in Asia.

Safest Countries in Asia to Live

When considering the safest countries in Asia to live in or visit, several nations stand out for their low crime rates, political stability, and exceptional safety measures. I'll delve into the unique features that earn select countries this esteemed status.


Ranked as the world's 10th safest country, Japan is a prime example of how advanced security and cultural attitudes foster a safe environment. In Japan, the crime rate is impressively low at just 0.2 homicides per 100,000 people. The Japanese government employs stringent controls to keep crime at bay, with capital punishment as a legal deterrent for severe crimes. Despite the risks associated with natural disasters, Japan's sense of personal security is palpable, making it one of the safest countries in Asia to visit. Residents routinely feel secure while travelling alone at night, imbuing a feeling of safety in bustling cities and tranquil countryside alike. Japan's rich cultural history and its reputation for safety continue attracting millions of visitors annually.


Claiming the title of the safest country in Asia, Singapore is an exemplar of urban safety and cleanliness. The Global Peace Index (GPI) for 2021 gives Singapore a score of 1.321, placing it 9th in the world for safety. The country boasts an extremely low crime rate and stringent laws that extend to even minor infringements, such as penalties for nudity within one's own home. Singapore's multilingualism reflects its diverse society, effectively contributing to its safe atmosphere. Tourists and residents are drawn to Singapore not only for its safety but also for its green initiatives, earning it recognition as one of the world's greenest cities.


Malaysia is among the safest countries in Asia to live in, thanks to its stable political climate and harmonious multicultural society. Travellers and expatriates find solace in Malaysia's relatively low crime rate and welcoming atmosphere. Its vibrant blend of Malay, Chinese, Indian, and indigenous cultures forms a peaceful coexistence echoed in its safe streets. Malaysia's emphasis on safety is complemented by its growing economy and scenic attractions, from the bustling capital, Kuala Lumpur, to serene tropical beaches.

United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates solidly positions itself as a safe destination within Western Asia. Offering up a unique blend of tradition and modernity, the nation has gained recognition for its low crime rates and high safety standards. Cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi are renowned for opulent lifestyles and architectural marvels and their diligent approach to ensuring the safety of their residents and visitors. With state-of-the-art security measures in place, it's no wonder that the UAE is considered one of the safest places in Asia.


Taiwan stands out as a haven of safety in East Asia. The island's commitment to law enforcement and community action keeps crime rates low. Taiwanese society values social harmony, translating into a respectful and secure environment. Moreover, Taiwan's advanced healthcare system and infrastructure only enhance its appeal as one of the safest countries in Asia to visit. The vibrant street food scene, night markets, and natural wonders like Taroko Gorge add to the compendium of reasons that make Taiwan a top choice for safe travel.


As the world's largest archipelago, Indonesia offers more than just breathtaking landscapes and cultural diversity—it's also considered one of the safer travel destinations in Southeast Asia. With a focus on tourism safety and community policing, Indonesia presents an inviting atmosphere for tourists. The spirit of "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" (Unity in Diversity) manifests in Indonesia's ability to maintain safety amidst its vast array of islands and diverse populations.

South Korea

South Korea's ascent as a global pop culture and technology leader is matched by its commitment to security. The nation prides itself on a high-tech approach to crime prevention and boasts one of the lowest crime rates in the region. Safety is embedded in the South Korean lifestyle, with cities like Seoul offering a vibrant yet secure urban experience. As one of the safest countries in Asia to visit, South Korea has become a hot spot for tourists seeking modern attractions and the timeless allure of historical sites.

Other Factors to Consider

While safety is a paramount concern when selecting the safest countries in Asia to live in or visit, additional factors should be weighed in your decision. I'll explore several considerations that might sway your choice, ranging from the impact on your finances to practical travel concerns.

Tax Implications

One cannot overlook the tax ramifications when considering relocating to Asia or staying for an extended period. Each country has its taxation laws that can significantly affect expatriates. The safest Asian country may also offer favourable tax rates or particular incentives for foreign residents. For instance, some nations have treaties to avoid double taxation, which can ease the financial burden on expats earning abroad. It's crucial to consult with a tax expert and review the tax policies of the country you are contemplating so you're well-prepared for any fiscal responsibilities.

Flight Accessibility

Flight connectivity can greatly influence your decision, especially when considering the safest Asian countries to visit. Major hubs such as Singapore and Japan boast extensive flight networks, providing seamless connections to and from various international destinations. This ease of access is not just a convenience but also a safety feature in the unlikely event that you must return home quickly. I always keep in mind the frequency and reliability of flights and the presence of international airports when choosing my Asian destination.

Cost of Living

The affordability of a country is an aspect that I consider just as important as its safety profile. The cost of living varies widely across Asian countries, impacting your overall experience and quality of life. Areas with a high cost of living may offer more sophisticated amenities and safety features, yet they could strain your budget if not planned for accordingly. Conversely, areas with a lower cost of living might necessitate trade-offs in comfort or safety. I recommend thoroughly researching the cost of essentials such as housing, food, transportation, and healthcare in your chosen country. Balancing these costs with the standard of living and safety measures will help make a well-rounded decision.

How to Live and Work in Asia

Living and working in the safest countries in Asia offers an incredible blend of security, culture, and opportunity. These countries are not to be overlooked for those looking to immerse themselves in new experiences while maintaining peace of mind. Here's my guide to navigating life and work in Asia's most secure regions.

Singapore, often cited as the safest country in Asia, is a top choice for expatriates and digital nomads. This highly developed city-state is renowned for its robust economy, excellent healthcare, and stringent law enforcement, collectively making it an ideal place to live and work in. The English-speaking environment also eases the transition for those not familiar with Asian languages.

In countries like Japan, I've found an environment that respects tradition while embracing innovation. It offers a unique work culture and a high standard of living, coupled with a low crime rate. This harmonious blend makes Japan one of the safest countries in Asia to visit and establish a home in.

For those seeking a quieter pace of life, countries like Laos provide a laid-back atmosphere where I've witnessed expatriates enjoy simple living amidst rich cultural landscapes. In Laos, you can relish in affordable living costs without compromising safety.

To navigate the job market, I use local job portals and expat forums, which often post opportunities in various sectors, from technology to tourism. Networking at meetups and through online platforms such as 'Travel Ladies' and 'Couch Surfing' not only helped me find job leads but also helped me integrate into the local community.

For entrepreneurs and investors, these safe havens in Asia provide fertile ground for business ventures. The stability in these countries fosters conducive environments for startups and foreign investments, making it easier to find investment opportunities that align with my professional goals.

While the Global Peace Index is a helpful tool in determining safety levels, personal research and networking have been invaluable in understanding the nuances of each country's lifestyle and employment landscape. Whether it's for adventure, a career change, or expanded business prospects, these safest countries in Asia to live in are excellent starting points.


Exploring the safest countries in Asia offers peace of mind whether you're planning to visit or make a move. From Japan's impressive personal security to Singapore's renowned urban safety, there's a destination for every safety-conscious traveller. Malaysia's political stability and Taiwan's social harmony contribute to their high safety rankings, while the United Arab Emirates boasts commendable safety standards. Indonesia and South Korea, each with unique safety approaches, also make the list. Tax, flight accessibility, and living costs are just as important for a well-rounded experience.


Caribbean Real Estate Investor and Entrepreneur — Founder @Offshore Freedom | Host of the @CaribbeanRealEstatePodcast

We help successful investors and entrepreneurs live and invest in the Caribbean and buy real estate internationally.

Schedule a 1 on 1 consultation with Dan Merriam, and let him help you design the life of your dreams and achieve Offshore Freedom. Ask questions and get answers about lifestyle design, tax planning, banking, international real estate, second residencies, or citizenship by investment.

Writer in Tax Reduction, International Tax Planning, Citizenship by Investment, Caribbean, Second Residence, Safest Countries in Asia to Live, Thailand, Malaysia, Bali, Indonesia, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Digital Nomads, Perpetual Travel, Lifestyle Planning, Company Formation, Offshore Banking, Asset Protection, Technology, Entrepreneurship

This article is for informational purposes only; it should not be considered financial, tax planning or legal advice. Consult a financial or investment professional before making any major financial decisions.


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